When purchasing a turtle

When purchasing a turtle, there are several key factors to consider to ensure you bring home a healthy and thriving pet. Here’s a checklist of things to look for:

  1. Clean Environment: Assess the cleanliness of the turtle’s habitat. Dirty water, unsanitary conditions, or overcrowding can lead to stress and make turtles more susceptible to diseases.
  2. Active and Alert Behaviour: Look for turtles that are actively swimming and not lethargic. Lively and alert behavior is indicative of a healthy turtle.
  3. Body Condition: Examine the turtle’s body for any signs of extreme weight fluctuation. Avoid turtles with excessive fat rolls around their neck or legs, as well as those that appear emaciated. The shell should be hard and free from cracks, while the skin should be devoid of scrapes, cuts, or other defects.
  4. Tail Area: Check the tail area for bite marks, swelling, or signs of parasites. These issues can indicate health problems or poor living conditions.
  5. Healthy Eyes: Inspect the turtle’s eyes, which should be clear, clean, and wide open. Opaque, closed, crusty, or weeping eyes are signs of potential illness or infection.
  6. Respiratory Health: Watch for any signs of respiratory infection, such as saliva coming from the mouth or nose, or the turtle blowing bubbles. These symptoms should be taken seriously and may require immediate veterinary attention.
  7. Movement and Swimming Ability: A healthy turtle should move and swim with grace. In the case of musk turtles, they may exhibit a more panicky swimming style, which is characteristic of their species.

By carefully observing these aspects when selecting a turtle, you can increase the chances of bringing home a vibrant and disease-free pet. Remember, it’s always recommended to consult a reptile veterinarian for a thorough examination before finalising your purchase.